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Fire Safety and Engineering


Eamon O’Boyle and Associates believe that fire safety is a risk that can be greatly reduced if proper fire safety management system and good fire safety design are embedded in the use and function of the building..


Eamon O’Boyle and Associates (EOBA) provide a range of fire engineering services, which include, but are not limited to: preparation and submission of documents for fire safety certificates; fire engineering analysis; mathematical fire safety models; design of life safety systems; design of property protection systems; certification of fire safety systems; design of comprehensive fire safety management systems and design and management of fire safety in historical buildings.

Our fire engineering team has extensive design knowledge and experience of fire safety engineering and can offer a full range of services, from due diligence studies to fire strategies involving complex smoke, people and structural modelling.

EOBA work on some of the highest profile projects in the industry with leading architects, designers and contractors. We are currently working on projects across all main market sectors, ranging from small studies and reports to projects valued at more than €60m.

Central to our approach is the life safety of people in buildings. Through our expertise we aim to safeguard people and property without restricting architectural designs. Our approach combines fire engineering with an understanding of architecture. We deliver sound, value engineered solutions that provide safe buildings and satisfy regulatory authorities without over-design or unnecessary complexity.

Fire Safety Certificate Applications

Eamon O’Boyle and Associates (EOBA) advise clients on the requirements for Fire Safety Certificates, where and in what circumstances they are necessary and how the application process works. In general, all non-domestic buildings constructed after 1992 must have a Fire Safety Certificate.

EOBA’s expert engineers are skilled in preparing Fire Safety Certificate application reports, accompanying drawings and interpreting the statutory requirements for each individual client and their specific projects.  EOBA’s experienced fire engineers liaise with the Local Authority Fire Service on an ongoing basis, clarifying the Fire Safety Certificate application as required to enable them to grant the Fire Safety Certificate.  A similar process is carried out for buildings which are undergoing renovations, alterations or are changing use.

Fire Risk Assessments

Our skilled fire engineers at Eamon O’Boyle and Associates have extensive experience in the assessment of fire safety risks in existing buildings. A member of our team will complete a full review of the premises to establish conformance or otherwise with the relevant statutory fire safety obligations and to recommend appropriate remedial actions were deemed necessary in order to satisfy those obligations.  We use leading-edge software and technology to capture any deficiencies and issue a full report to the client.

Fire Safety Training

Under the Fire Services Act, responsibility lies with a building owner/occupier to ensure that all reasonable measure shave been taken to prevent the outbreak of fire and to ensure the safety of their employees and of visitors to the building.

EOBA can deliver the following on-site fire safety training to suit the specific needs of your business:

  • Fire Awareness Training
    EOBA’s Fire Awareness Training Course can provide your staff with knowledge of the risks associated with workplace fires. The training will make them aware of the common causes of workplace fires, as well as the appropriate fire safety precautions and procedures that should be in place at the premises.
  • Fire Warden Training
    Each premises should have at least 1 designated Fire Warden/Marshall who will have specific responsibilities in relation to fire safety and evacuation procedures. EOBA can provide your Warden with necessary training to fulfil their role. Training will include awareness of the fire risk in the premises, actions in the event of a fire, evacuation procedures, use of the fire extinguishers, routine inspections and record keeping, and other responsibilities
  • Fire Extinguisher Training
    EOBA can instruct your staff how to safely use fire extinguishing equipment and how to perform visual inspections on the equipment. Our trainer will also advise your staff the different types of fire and the appropriate fire extinguisher to use for that fire classification.

Fire Safety Management Services

Eamon O’Boyle and Associates (EOBA) specialise in the development of customised Fire Safety Management systems and procedures for clients. The main principles of a good Fire Safety Management system are as follows:

  • Avoidance of outbreaks of fire
  • Early detection of fire
  • Early warning to staff to facilitate adequate response
  • Compartmentalisation of buildings and the provision of escape routes, which are protected from fire and smoke
  • Limiting the development and spread of fire
  • The containment of fire and smoke to the compartment where the fire originates
  • Early suppression of fire, where this is feasible
  • Effective evacuation procedures
  • Provision of access and facilities for the fire brigade
  • The maintenance of a fire safety register

Implementation of auditable systems to monitor and measure the above principals will provide a superior Fire Safety Management system. The implementation of the system will ensure statutory compliance and enable those with responsibilities for the fire safety to have confidence in their risk management systems.

Advice and Consultancy for Architects

Eamon O’Boyle and Associates (EOBA) work in cooperation with architects, providing consultancy and advisory services in relation to fire safety concerns in the initial design phases of all building types, and throughout the construction process.  EOBA’s fire engineers can provide invaluable advice on Life Safety Systems and Property Protection Systems as well as overall Fire Strategies for buildings.

EOBA have well developed inspection and detailing system that enable designer’s discharge their requirements as Assigned Certifier or as defined in S.I. No.9 of 2014. 

Ancillary Certification/Opinion on Compliance

A member of the Eamon O’Boyle & Associates (EOBA) team will complete a site review at various stages during construction works, issuing a report highlighting areas of concern, if any, in both the active and passive fire protection systems.  EOBA will also review certification, declarations of performance, installer certification, and other relevant documents to establish compliance with the relevant standards and codes of practice. 

If the works fall under the requirements of the Building Control Amendment Regulations, 2014 (BCAR) EOBA will issue Ancillary Certification at Design and Completion Stage, as well as a Certificate of Inspection. 

If BCAR is not applicable, EOBA will issue an Opinion on Compliance with Part B of the Building Regulations on satisfactory completion of the works.

Emergency Response Plans and Fire Escape Plans

Emergency Response Plans and Pre-Fire Plans are often requested by the Local Fire Authorities for their use in the event of an emergency.  EOBA’s team of expert engineers is skilled in preparing special drawings and documents for this purpose.

Our skilled team of fire engineers also provides customized escape notices and drawings to assist occupants as to the appropriate action on the event of a fire. 

Expert Opinion for Courts or Other Statutory Enquiries

Eamon O’Boyle and Associates (EOBA) can provide legal reports to assist courts make assessments with expert opinion. This includes the giving of evidence in Judicial or Quasi-Judicial forums.

Court Certification for the Intoxicating Liquor Act

Eamon O’Boyle and Associates have gained an invaluable understanding of all areas pertaining to the Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008. Services that we provide in relation to the Intoxicating Liquor Act include:

  • Building and documentation reviews
  • Preparation of reports and drawings to assist the court in assessing licence applications
  • Providing expert evidence to courts

Fire Investigation

EOBA have worked with forensics teams to examine buildings following a fire-related incident, to establish if deficiencies in the fabric and systems of a building contributed to spread of a fire.